What is Trip Interruption, Trip Cancellation & Baggage Insurance?

If you have ever had to cancel a flight at the last minute or you’ve experienced that sinking feeling in an airport when you arrive, but your baggage doesn’t, then you know how important it is to understand your travel insurance.


Why do you need Trip Cancellation & Trip Interruption Insurance?

Life happens at inconvenient times. Children or senior parents become sick. A natural disaster occurs where you live, or at your destination. Or the government issues a travel advisory for your destination.  Maybe you experience health issues just before your trip or worse…when you are there. Getting Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption insurance is a very good investment because it covers problems like these, but they also cover you if your airline cancels a flight. While travel now is picking up, ongoing outbreaks of COVID are still happening in domestic and international destinations which could result in unforeseen problems for air travellers. Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption insurance can cover non-refundable costs like airfares, hotels, and tours. This insurance is available for a single trip and also as a Multi-Trip Annual policy.

There are exclusions, however. Some providers won’t cover cancellations for sickness within a set time of buying the policy or simply for a change of mind. Also, some insurers separate Trip Cancellation from Trip Interruption policies and some bundle them together. When considering purchasing these policies, make sure you compare several options and read the fine print.


Baggage Insurance

If you travel frequently or travel with valuables or expensive clothes, you should consider purchasing baggage insurance. Sometimes lost baggage is returned within days or weeks, but there is always the risk that it is never found. Baggage insurance will cover luggage and also special items such as skis and snowboards, musical instruments (non-professional) bicycles, etc. The insurance covers loss as well as damage. Baggage insurance does NOT cover electronics like iPads, smartphones, jewellery, cameras, or professional equipment for an occupation including instruments for professional musicians. Most of these items are covered by your home or renter’s insurance, but you should check those policies to confirm your coverage.

For lost or damaged baggage, your home insurance would process your claim first and baggage insurance would cover the rest. Meanwhile, baggage insurance will cover a capped amount for necessities if your baggage is delayed.  When travelling outside of Canada, there is a higher chance of your bags being delayed. You should obtain written confirmation from the carrier that your bags were delayed in order to make your claim and keep all of your receipts for emergency purchases.


Health Risk Services has trusted partner agreements with Travel Insurance providers through whom we can arrange customized travel insurance coverage for you and your family journeys.  Call us first before you travel – We are Here to Help!

Health Risk Services

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